Jul 22From Barcelona to Pantelleria to learn about island archaeobotany22-30 June 2024 Judit and Sandra recently returned from a Summer School in Pantelleria (Sicilia) hosted at the Isola di Pantelleria Parco...
Jun 21Kingdoms in the canopyBromeliads, bugs, and bacteria The Amazon rainforest is full of life. Rivers cut their way down from the Andes in the west of South...
May 21Building an illustration series on biodiversity change on islandsWe are excited to kick-off the TEBlab blog with a post on our exciting collaboration with Jagoba Malumbres-Olarte. With a PhD in Ecology,...
May 7Welcome to the TEBlab blog!Here we will be sharing group news, field work adventures, and posts about the past and present research of our members. With a focus on...