Temporal Ecology and Biogeography Lab
The Temporary Ecology and Biogeography (TEB) lab is primarily interested in building palaeoecological networks at biogeographical scales.
Main themes
Understanding the temporal dimension of the invasion process

Understanding 600 years of trajectories of non-indigenous species (NIS) since their initial arrival and widespread expansion, when the first major translocation of marine species occurred in the XV century due to the exploration voyages across the Atlantic Ocean. The NIS data will be integrated with marine biodiversity data and with time-series of pollutants and nutrients.
DNA metabarcoding to monitor long-distance dispersal to the
South Pole

We propose to undertake DNA-based identification of a set of traps located across in the Antarctic Peninsula. This study will address a key knowledge gap within plant dispersal, namely the occurrence of long-distance transport from neighbouring continents to the Antarctic Peninsula, which is free (only the presence of two grasses) of pollen producing flowering plants.